Gold Donors ($5,000+)

Thank you for your generous $5000+ donation towards our new playground.

The Allardyce Bower Foundation generously donated a grant worth $194,097 towards the build of the new playground. We truly appreciate the remarkable donation and support.

The Government of Alberta (CFEP) donated a grant worth $125,000 towards the build of the new playground. Thank you for your generous donation and support.

The Burns Memorial Fund generously donated a grant worth $20,000. Thank you for your support!

The Parks Foundation generously awarded The St. Alphonsus Playground a grant worth $30,000. Thank you for your continued support!

Silver Donors ($1000+)

Thank you for your generous $1000+ donation towards our new playground.

Thank you to Audrey Kurek and Cross Roads Market/Block Watch for generously donating $2000.00 to the build of our new playground. We greatly appreciate your support!

Bronze Donors ($500)

Thank you for your generous $500 donation towards our new playground.


Recognition Levels

Interesting in donating directly to our project? We have developed a tiered recognition system that will be a lasting reminder of the impact you had in effecting change in the lives of so many children! All donations will receive a tax receipt from the Parks Foundation.